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  • Which hospitals are Dr. Hassler affiliated with?
    Sarasota Memorial Hospital-Venice location only
  • Are there any other providers in the group?
    Dr. Hassler is a solo practitioner, and we are not affiliated with other practices. We do have a Nurse Practitioner, Shelly Russo, who works directly under Dr. Hassler.
  • Are ultrasounds or testing done in the office?
    Yes, echocardiograms, stress tests, nuclear stress tests, carotid and AAA scans are all done in office.
  • Does she do pacer, ICD, or loop implants?
    Dr. Hassler does loop implants in the office. Pacer and ICD implants a referred to an interventionalist who works closely with Dr. Hassler.
  • Does Dr. Hassler monitor pacer, ICD, or loops?
    Dr. Hassler and her nurse closely monitor all implantable devices both remotely and in office.
  • Does she do catheterizations or ablations?
    No, they are referred to an interventionalist who works closely with Dr. Hassler.
  • Does she do cardioversions or TEE’s?
    Yes, these will be done at the Sarasota Memorial - Venice location.
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